INCOSE Thailand

The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Emerging Chapter in Thailand



The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a professional society for Systems Engineers founded to develop and disseminate the interdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems. INCOSE Thailand is an emerging chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering. It operates as a non-profit organization that fosters a local and international community of systems engineers in Thailand. We empower professionals in Thailand's industry, academia, and government to define, understand, and practice world-class systems engineering.


where INCOSE Thailand's progress was evident

where INCOSE Thailand products are developed

where you get involved and stay informed

where INCOSE Thailand contributes SE knowledge

where members help shape and contribute to INCOSE Thailand

where members stay informed about official announcements

Where volunteer INCOSE Thailand representatives at their respective organizations promote systems engineering to their coworkers and leadership.

where members stay informed about the latest SE tools and their capabilities. 

where members meet consultants who provide SE-related services in Thailand.

where members access to standard forms and manuals used by INCOSE Thailand operations

where members access IT services provided by INCOSE Thailand

where knowledge is shared by Thai systems engineering communities

where members create and prioritize community issues